Friday, January 22, 2010

Shark Steam Mop

I recently purchased a Shark Steam Mop from Costco. I've been wanting a steam mop for some time. When Costco put out a coupon, I was all over it. I was so disappointed with my purchase that I took it right back. I loved the idea of 3 different head sizes, the length of the cord, the size of the water tank, and the fact you dont have to use any chemicals. With a child and 3 dogs, I dont like using harsh chemicals in my house. I have dark laminate floors and tile. The mop left streaks all over both of them. I tried adding a little white vinegar to the water hoping that would solve the streak problem. I tried again with the same results. So its back to the drawing board to find another steam mop. If anyone has one they love, I would love to hear about it!

1 comment:

  1. Stopping by to follow and say hello with Friday Follow. It'a a shame that the steam mop didn't work for you. I have a friend that swears by hers.

